Ten Simple and Effective Networking Strategies for Women...

Now's the time to expand your network and take your career to new heights.

Women may earn more college degrees than men, but they still remain underrepresented in upper-management level positions. According to Women in the Workforce: Canada from Catalyst Inc., men are currently two to three times more likely than women to hold senior management positions. One of the main factors may be that women have less-frequent interactions with senior leaders, and as a result, are less likely to receive advice from managers and senior leaders on how to advance. It’s time to #speakupforinclusion and boost your networking circles, girls! In addition to helping position yourself for career advancement, networking can open the doors to new opportunities, provide valuable support and create friendships with like-minded people. “People have a desire to surround themselves with people of similar interests, who they can also look up to,” says Leigh Mitchell, founder of Women in Biz Network. “Likewise women entrepreneurs like to support other women and lift them up.” Not sure where to start expanding your own networking circles? Follow these 10 networking secrets to help take your career to next level.
1. Make a Networking Plan 
Make a plan to connect with people both inside of your office and out. So often people focus on external networking situations, but a well-developed and diverse internal network is critical to your success. “Talk to people at the water cooler, go to lunch-and-learns, sign up for skill builder sessions, participate in firm events, call people instead of emailing them,” says Sutton. “Even just walking around your floor once a week with the goal of meeting people can be helpful.”
2. Create a Calendar 
The frequency of networking is important, but it’s also a personal choice. Map out how often you want to network — and stick to your plan. “Don’t forget to keep your current network alive and healthy,” says Camilla Sutton, President and CEO of Women in Capital Markets. Include meet ups with old colleagues and associates in your calendar too. “Deepening these existing relationships can be just as important as developing broader ones.”
Continue reading the 10 networking secrets here. 

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