Side Hustle Instead of Binge Watching to Fast-Track Your Career & Savings..

Finding a side hustle that fits you....

When you get home from a long day at your main job, is all you want to do collapse on the sofa, order a pizza, and binge Stranger Things? But what if you could do something with your time that was fun, helped you fast-track your way up the corporate ladder and added a few zeroes to your bank account balance? Welcome to side hustling! Side hustling is essentially taking on an additional job — or starting your own small business — in addition to your 9-to-5. A side hustle could help you make rent more easily, save up for a down payment on a home, pay off student debt, or fund a sabbatical trip around the world. It can even be a lot of fun! Here are some tips to finding a side hustle that fits you. Do something you love 
What if you could have fun doing the things you love and make an extra paycheck? As a starting place, focus on your passions and then see if there are ways to make money from it. If you love sports, work for a local intramural league. Love yoga? Consider becoming certified to teach. Focus on learning skills 
Use the areas where you need to grow as a way to guide your side hustling work. The last time you met with your boss, if he or she said you needed to get better at networking and graphic design, consider how a side hustle can help develop those skills. 
That doesn't mean that you should immediately start designing logos for local businesses, but maybe you can try to design posters for your new business. You can also force yourself into networking situations to plug your dog walking or tutoring side hustle. While working on your side hustle, you can sharpen skills to impress your boss in time for your next performance review...

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