6 Ways to Gain Work Experience in University...

How do you get a job? Experience. And there are lots of ways to get it in university...
"I need a job to gain experience, but I can't get a job without experience". Who's said those word before? It's a classic dilemma many students find themselves in when they finish university. But that doesn't have to be you! When an employer asks you for experience, ANY experience can count - including volunteering and extracurricular activities. Employers want to see you've developed professional skills, like teamwork, customer service, and problem-solving. And guess what? You don't have to be earning a steady paycheck to develop those skills. Here are just six ways you can gain valuable experiences while completing your degree at Western University:
1) Internships & Co-op This is just like having a job! Work towards academic credit or get paid. Maybe even try an international internship.
2) Fieldwork & Practicum Some programs and courses at Western allow you to make the real world your lab or classroom.
3) Entrepreneurship Have a vision? Meant to be your own boss? Participate in a pitch competition like "Dragon's Den" and win money towards your start-up!
4) Volunteering On-campus or off-campus, there are LOTS of volunteer opportunities for students.
5) Global Learning Study at a university in another part of the world or help a community in need during your spring break.
6) Community Engaged Learning Make a difference in your community as part of a course you complete at Western.
When it's time to plan your career, Western's Student Success Center is always available for students. Whether you need help editing a resume, practice doing an interview, guidance on applying for jobs, or tips for networking.

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