5 Easy Ways to Find Free Money!..

There’s lots of money out there to help you pay for school, here’s how to find it...

For some students, the hardest part isn’t getting accepted into their dream university, it’s paying for it once they get there. Don’t let this be you! Here are five easy ways to find free money… 1) School Newsletters This is by far, the easiest way to find free money. Many universities send out e-newsletters with helpful information, and when you sign up, you could be entered into a prize draw! At least, that’s how Western University does it. 2) Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) OSAP has changed a lot this year, and if you’re from Ontario, you could be eligible for a loan (money you pay back) and a grant (free money). OSAP has an easy aid estimator you can try online. 3) Scholarships Many universities have entrance/admission scholarships based on your grades and they don’t require an application (can it get easier than that?). But don’t forget about other scholarships – a great place to start your search is scholarshipscanada.com. 4) Bursaries While scholarships are based on performance and merit, bursaries are based on financial need. It’s worth it to fill out a bursary application for whichever university you apply to. 5) Guidance Counsellors Your high school guidance counsellors have information about all kinds of scholarships and bursaries, they might even nominate you for them (school nominations may be required for awards such as the National Scholarship Program at Western University). It’s smart to start budgeting for your first year, and while this doesn’t qualify as “free money”, you may also want to explore work study positions on campus or a part-time job. Don’t forget, the university you choose will probably have financial counselling if you need more assistance figuring out your finances. Check out all of your financial resources at Western University...

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