Every Company is International, Are You?....

Give your degree the international edge....

Students typically graduate with the end goal of getting a job. But how do you score a job when it’s become a basic requirement to have a bachelor degree, have good grades, have work experience, show a list of extracurricular activities, and maybe even be a volunteer. How do you stand out? Can you stand out? It’s becoming increasingly difficult for students to compete with their peers for jobs when the status quo is set by increasingly competitive standards. One of the ways that have been identified is by degrees earned overseas! If you don’t believe me check out the research commissioned by the British Council here! As a Canadian student studying abroad, you have the opportunity to differentiate yourself by making statements like:
I studied an international degree
I have a global perspective because I was able to travel to different countries and understand different cultures
I have international work experience
I have assimilated into new environments and cultures
I’m not afraid to break out of the mould
Statements like the above can help differentiate you when entering the workforce because it shows employers you are able to truly understand their business on a global level. “The ability to interact with a variety of people is invaluable… Travel, studying abroad- it broadens the mind” –Large transport business, NY (British Council Article). I challenge students who are really looking for a way to differentiate themselves, to take a chance and look at opportunities outside their city, province or even country. Take the opportunity now, to show employers you are truly international. If you would like to learn more about the University of East London’s programmes have a look at our list of course subjects here or apply directly via the Common App...

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