Fun Ways to Find Scholarships..

 The idea of searching for scholarships may seem boring, tedious, overwhelming, tiring, or just plain maddening! If you feel any of these emotions when thinking about scholarships and where to find them, then join the ranks of many other students who are grappling with the looming cost of their higher education.
After you breathe and talk yourself down from the anxiety ledge, realize that is a resource that has been designed to take these emotions away and to help you find the right scholarships to succeed.
Consider things that are unique about you: maybe you play the bagpipes and are in search of a scholarship that tailors to your musical kind ( had one like that for the longest time). Or perhaps you live in Toronto and want to study in the Yukon, very likely a scholarship could exist for students looking to take up academic room and board up north. Play with combinations and with searches, consider the Google of scholarships.
If searching is not your style, take advantage of our integrated and unique matching tool that brings scholarships right to the doorstep of your desktop. You make a profile, put in all your information, and scholarships that you may qualify for are matched to you.
Use these functions, keyword search, matching, and much more to take advantage of all we have to offer on Check out and our events pages for information on all scholarship webinars; they go into more detail and are interactive and a great tool for students.

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