Nominate a student to win a $100,000 Schulich Leader Scholarship!!..

50 undergraduate STEM scholarships annually in Canada..

Do you have an outstanding student in your graduating class? This may be the award program for them!
Schulich Leader Scholarships are prestigious entrance scholarships awarded to high school graduates enrolling in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) programs at 20 partner universities. In Canada, 50 scholarships are awarded annually - 25 for Engineering students valued at $100,000 each and 25 for Science, Technology or Math students valued at $80,000 each..

Schulich Leaders can devote their full time and attention to their studies, as all of their financial needs are covered over the course of their degree. As a result, many of our highest potential students are winning these scholarships and will make great contributions to society..

Every high school in Canada is eligible to Nominate one student. The next Schulich Leader could be in your graduating class! Nomination deadline is February 1, 2018. Learn more about eligibility and how it works!!

Schulich Leader Scholarships: Creating the next generation of technology innovators. Visit

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